Hello ! My name is Romain
& I love advrnture
I can fix anything from a ballpoint pen to a strategic bomber. I can read documents correctly and love to argue. And yep - I'm a lawyer. EXPERT EUROPEEN EU COMMISION OF EU Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, certified engineer with a confirmed diploma in France and the United States, programmer, lawyer and marketer. Google certified developer. Event organizer for 5000 people. And the more I am president of the Cinema Wowfrance studio!
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Hello ! My name is Svyatlana
& I love traveling and France
I am a Co-president Studio cinema WOWFrance! and plus I'm Head of the Board of Trustees. Actrice profesionel, blogger, literateur Join me!
Hello ! My name is Raduga
& I love my husband and singing
I caught the traveling bug when I was a kid, adventuring with my parents on hikes, trails, and boating trips. By some luck, I have managed to make a living out of the thing that makes me the happiest: exploring the world one country, one state, at a time. Not only do I travel alone, but I bring friends and I organize group tours. Professional actress, professional singer, emeritus artist, event organizer and festivals for 5000 people, DJ
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Hello ! My name is Miron
& I love joking and being naughty. And I'm 4
I go to school, fly a kite, play football and always help out those stupid adults. They wouldn't have gotten anywhere without me.
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